Defending The Rights Of You And Your Family
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Year: 2020

Property division and the family home

Married couples at all stages of life may own a home. Young couples in the Visalia area may have purchased their starter home, middle-aged couples may be raising their family in their forever home and retirees may have downsized to a smaller home. However, what all...

Custody and parents with disabilities

A disability can affect almost every aspect of a person's life, and the lives of everyone in that person's family. What happens when the family splits up in a divorce? How does disability affect child custody? First off, California courts cannot deny parents their...

Options for challenging DUI charges

DUI charges are serious criminal charges and accused drivers can face serious penalties and consequences because of them. As a result, every accused driver should be aware of ways to fight drunk driving charges when the need arises. This blog recently discussed...